April Update 🚀 … it’s time to share.

Personal growth

April Update 🚀 … it’s time to share.

This time, I’m writing from Berlin after wrapping up Q1 in Madrid at NEOLAND

Fullstack bootcamp. This quarter, my focus shifts to networking and client acquisition in Europe’s Tech capital, Berlin.

Here’s the rundown of the previous quarter and the goals set for the current one:

Last Quarter

👩‍💻 Successfully completed full-stack bootcamp ✅

🗂️ Started building a portfolio to showcase my new skills ✅

This Quarter:

🗂️ Continuing to build a portfolio

🤝 Expanding professional network (both online and offline)

🛒 Wrapping up an ongoing e-commerce project for a client

🚛 Starting website development and digital strategy for a transport company

👷‍♀️ Rebuilding personal website

Portfolio building is by far the most fun for me, and I’m eager to share some exciting projects soon. For me at least, it’s hands down the most effective way of learning 🤓

Regarding networking, I am quite stoked; Berlin is buzzing now that the weather is improving, and it’s event season. Last week I attended a few meet-ups and got to speak with some interesting people in the tech industry.

Let’s get cracking 💪 🛠️

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Hola, I’m Inés, a web developer with a background in product management and design. I offer practical and tailored solutions.

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