I bought a one-way ticket to Australia

Last year, I was granted a Working Holiday Visa for Australia. After sitting on the idea for

Last year, I was granted a Working Holiday Visa for Australia. After sitting on the idea for close to a year, I finally committed to the plan and bought a ticket.

I know what you are thinking, “Is she planning to go backpacking for a year in Australia? Good for her, but why is she telling us? I didn’t know this was a travel blog”.

Well, while this visa is normally used for jobs in the hospitality and tourism industry, I want to try something different which is relevant to my professional development.

You see, Australia boasts numerous tech hubs and abundant job openings, with developers ranking among the most sought-after professionals. So, I want to explore opportunities in the tech sector.

I’ve heard firsthand that Australians value hard work and strong work ethics, which is encouraging.

This is a bit of a gamble, of sorts. It might not turn out exactly how I’m hoping – I could end up doing farm work instead of coding. Maybe there are opportunities, but they might not be suitable for my profile. If that’s the case, it could be a spectacular failure . But if you don’t try, you won’t know (can you tell I am nervous ).


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