
I write about my entrepreneurial journey, no-code tools, and many other topics. Just like at the best weddings, this DJ accepts requests. Send me an email if you want me to talk about something specific.

I bought a one-way ticket to Australia

Last year, I was granted a Working Holiday Visa for Australia. After sitting on the...

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8 September 2024

Are You a Hero or a Victim? Embracing Stoicism

Moving from one city to another offers immense opportunities for growth but also presents a...

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5 September 2024

Q4 2024 · September Quarterly Goals Update

As we step into another season, it’s time for a quarterly check-in to reflect on...

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27 August 2024

My Web Development Process

Creating a website that not only meets but exceeds expectations requires a well-structured and refined...

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25 August 2024

Navigating Rate Setting as a Freelance Web Developer

Navigating rate setting as a freelance web developer can be challenging, but it’s...

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22 August 2024

Collaborative Design: Key Benefits, Tools, and Best Practices

Collaborative design is a dynamic approach to problem-solving and creativity that brings together multiple perspectives,...

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19 August 2024

Is a website right for your business? 5 Key Considerations

Thinking about a website for your business? Here are some points we will assess before...

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Embrace your quarter-life crisis when it arrives

There’s a common misconception that life peaks at 25 and that by our 30s, we’re...

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Q3 2024 🌞 June Quarterly Goals Update

June Update 🌞 … time for another quarterly check-in. This quarter’s accomplishments

🗂️ Continued to build...

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