Pocket money, investing and savings App

Landing Page

As part of a job application process, I had the opportunity to design a landing page for Bling, a Berlin-based company that offers a unique app integrating pocket money management, investing, mobile phone plans, and savings into one convenient platform. The goal was to effectively showcase Bling’s innovative pocket money product, making it both attractive and engaging for visitors while staying true to the company’s corporate identity (CI).


The primary objective was to create a visually appealing and user-friendly landing page that highlights the key features and benefits of Bling’s pocket money product. By leveraging Webflow, I aimed to ensure seamless integration with Bling’s existing branding and enhance the user experience for potential customers.

Design Approach

  • Corporate Identity Alignment**: Ensuring the landing page design reflects Bling’s brand aesthetics and values, creating a cohesive and professional look.
  • User Engagement: Crafting compelling content and visuals to capture the interest of visitors and encourage them to explore Bling’s offerings.
  • Feature Highlighting: Clearly presenting the unique aspects of Bling’s pocket money product, emphasizing its convenience and benefits for family financial management.


The final landing page successfully communicated Bling’s value proposition, effectively engaging visitors and encouraging them to learn more about the app. The design not only aligned with Bling’s corporate identity but also provided a seamless and enjoyable user experience.

Responsive Design: Ensuring a seamless browsing experience, the site is fully responsive across all devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

Call-to-Action Sections: Strategically positioned call-to-action sections prompt visitors to take action, fostering engagement and interaction with services.

Link to video explanation


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