Q4 2024 · September Quarterly Goals Update

As we step into another season, it’s time for a quarterly check-in to reflect on the past

5 September 2024

As we step into another season, it’s time for a quarterly check-in to reflect on the past few months and share some exciting developments, both professionally and personally.

Highlights from the Last Quarter

  1. Embarking on the 100 Days of Code Challenge This quarter, I decided to take on the #100DaysOfCode challenge, a popular initiative designed to encourage daily coding practice. For about a month and a half, I consistently worked on various coding projects. However, life, travel, and holidays eventually caught up with me, and I had to pause the challenge. Despite not completing the full 100 days, I gained invaluable knowledge and skills during this time. I’m looking forward to restarting the challenge soon with fresh energy and determination.
  2. Deep Dive into WordPress Development One of the most exciting learning experiences this quarter was my deep dive into WordPress development. I had the opportunity to work on several technical aspects, including:
  • SFTP connections
  • Creating and managing backups
  • Website migration
  • Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
  • Modern CSS techniques This hands-on experience was part of a technical task for a digital agency, which allowed me to solidify my understanding of WordPress on a deeper level. The learning curve was steep, but the knowledge I gained was incredibly rewarding.
  1. New Freelance Partnership Opportunity As a result of my work with the aforementioned agency, I’m now in discussions about a potential freelance partnership. This is a development I’m truly excited about! Being able to collaborate with an agency that aligns with my professional goals is a great opportunity, and I’m looking forward to seeing where this partnership leads.
  2. Travel Adventures On a personal note, I managed to squeeze in some travel over the past few months. From Berlin, I made trips to both Madrid and Asturias. It was a wonderful way to balance work with quality time spent with family and friends. These trips were a perfect way to recharge before embarking on my next adventure: relocating to Sydney!

What’s Coming Up This Quarter

  1. Confirmed Projects in the Pipeline With the new quarter upon us, I’m pleased to share that I have three confirmed projects lined up. Two of these are based in Madrid, and one is from Berlin. I also have a couple of potential projects in the pipeline that I’m excited to dive into. The upcoming months are set to be busy and productive!
  2. Wrapping Up Kit Digital Projects In addition to my new projects, I will be wrapping up some ongoing work related to the Kit Digital initiative. These tasks are nearing completion, and I’m eager to deliver the final results to my clients.
  3. Focus on Freelancing and Networking in Sydney Having just landed in Sydney, my primary focus for the next few months will be on establishing new freelance connections. I plan to devote significant time to client outreach and forming relationships with agencies. By November, I aim to have a solid network in place to expand my freelance business in Australia.
  4. Personal Challenge: 3-Month Alcohol Break On a personal level, I’m trying something new—a three-month break from alcohol. This challenge is an experiment to see how it impacts my focus, productivity, and overall health. Not to mention, I’m curious to observe the financial savings from cutting out social drinking. It’s a personal experiment I’m excited to pursue, especially during such a work-focused period.

Looking Ahead: 100% Commitment

With plenty of exciting professional developments and a personal challenge on the horizon, it’s going to be a work-heavy few months. But I’m ready to give it my all and see what I can achieve by the end of this year. The balance between work and personal growth feels more important than ever, and I’m fully committed to making the most of the opportunities ahead.


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Or email me at ines@inesmedem.com

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