Year-round nature activities


Cantera360º is a company that provides a range of outdoor activities aimed at encouraging families, children, teenagers, and adults to engage in nature and exercise in a safe and enjoyable way. Their tagline, “Learn by doing,” reflects their commitment to experiential learning.

We began the Cantera360º project by conducting research and collaborating with the team to develop a visual identity that captured their passion for outdoor activities, safety, and fun. Together, we created a typography hierarchy and font family that expressed the brand’s essence while maintaining legibility and coherence throughout the website. We also selected a primary colour palette that gave the site a playful and energetic look, reflecting Cantera360º’s commitment to promoting enjoyable and safe experiences in nature.

I had the privilege of creating a website for Cantera360º, showcasing their various activities. To enhance user experience, we implemented dynamic tables and content templates, enabling users to filter activities with ease.

The website is optimized for mobile devices and features cute graphic elements in playful green and yellow, adding a touch of fun to the overall design.

We conducted several knowledge transfer sessions with them and also assisted them with their social media needs. It was an enjoyable experience as we went climbing together and generated a wealth of educational content for their Instagram account.

Responsive Design: The site is fully responsive, offering a seamless experience on all devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

Activity Listings: Users can explore a comprehensive list of activities.

Activity Templates: Each activity includes detailed templates providing a clear overview of the experience.

Visual Identity: The website features a visually coherent design that reflects Cantera’s brand and its value proposition.

Call-to-Action Sections: Strategically placed call-to-action sections throughout the website encourage business clients to book a call and engage with Naturbike’s services.


Book a Call 

After booking, you will receive a confirmation email with the chosen date and the link for our Google calendar meeting.

You can also email