Bringing renewable energy closer to consumers

Web App
Backend & DB

We’ve developed xSolarx, a full-stack platform designed to connect conscious consumers with companies in the renewable energy sector. xSolarx serves as a bridge by linking consumers to suitable professionals and services in the renewable industry. This was our end of BootCamp project.

Techstack & Libraries

The backend is powered by Node.js and consists of an API and a routing system implemented with Express. We use MongoDB for our database. On the frontend, we utilized Vite, React, and CSS. We focused on componentization and employed global styles. The primary language used is JavaScript.

  • Authentication system, allowing users to securely log in, register, verify codes, recover forgotten passwords, change passwords, and delete their accounts.
  • User Dashboard: Once logged in, users have access to a dashboard where they can edit their profile details, view saved content, and see information about their interactions across the site.
  • Company Information: Users can navigate to company pages to learn about various renewable energy companies, like and rate them.
  • Forum and News: Users can engage with the community by publishing posts in the forum, reading news, and commenting on both. Additionally, they can like and save comments, news articles, and company profiles, which will then appear on their dashboard.
  • Social Features: Users can follow other users, enhancing the community aspect of the platform.
  • Dark Mode: The platform includes a dark mode feature.
  • Responsive: It is also responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across different devices like phones and tables


Authentication system, allowing users to securely log in, register, verify codes, recover forgotten passwords, change passwords, and delete their accounts.

Detailed flow diagram with the logic behind auth system

User Dashboard: Once logged in, users have access to a dashboard where they can edit their profile details, view saved content, and see information about their interactions across the site.

Social Features: Users can follow other users, comment and post to enhancing the community aspect of the platform.

Forum and News: Users can engage with the community by publishing posts in the forum, reading news, and commenting on both. Additionally, they can like and save comments, news articles, and company profiles, which will then appear on their dashboard.


Book a Call 

After booking, you will receive a confirmation email with the chosen date and the link for our Google calendar meeting.

You can also email